

Once the new Process has been developed, a Team needs to:

1) Gain understanding about the dynamics of organizational change;

2) Examine the variables for the particular change being implemented;

3) Based on the analysis of those variables, craft deployment plans to maximize the chances for success, and

4) Review the deployment plan with project sponsors.

Process Flow Diagram

This diagram illustrates how to plan for change management. Highlighted are the tasks associated with the Deploy activity.



The goal:

To provide a thorough assessment of all intervening variables surrounding the specific changes being implemented.

Why do it?

This information will provide:

1) Customization to your deployment plans

2) Help you understand how much change management support will be required

3) Help you scale the change management approach accordingly

For example, as the number of individuals impacted by the change increases, the overall resources required for change management will increase, and the need to provide change management training to front-line supervisors and managers will increase. With a larger scale change, employee feedback processes will need to become more structured and easy to deploy to large groups. Analysis of feedback and compliance with the change will consume more time and resources.

Also bear in mind that assessments of the current organization and culture may produce multiple profiles; that is, different departments or workgroups may have completely different attributes

What to do:

Complete the first three tabs of the Deploy template:

Size Change – To assess the magnitude of your change

Org. Profile – To perform an organizational assessment

Stakeholder Analysis – To perform a stakeholder analysis


Does the team understand the magnitude of the change?


Team members who will participate in creating the deployment plans

Before you begin

Ensure team members have educated themselves on aspects of organizational change

Template Required

You must have your Deployment document open. If you do not have it open, go to the Process Overview for Deploy and follow the instructions in Setting up the Deploy template. If you didn’t open the Deploy template in the Process, click the link in Tools below.


Step Action
1  Alt+Tab to the Deploy template.

Result: You move between your browser and the Deploy document.

2 Click the Size Change tab and complete the two worksheets, Sizing the Change (rows 1 – 35) and Change Characteristics Profile (rows 50 – 78).

Important: Follow the provided instructions to successfully complete the worksheets.

3 With the team, discuss the findings and implications of the completed worksheets so you have a good understanding of the magnitude of the change you are implementing, as well as the unique characteristics of the impacted organizations.

Reason: This understanding will aid you in dealing with key stakeholders, and will provide parameters which will guide you in creating communication and training plans.

4 Click Org. Profile tab and complete the Organizational Attributes worksheet.

Reason: To determine where to expend your change management energy.

Important: Follow the provided instructions to successfully complete the worksheet.

5 Click Stakeholder Analysis tab and complete the worksheet.

Reason: To develop strategies in dealing with key stakeholders.

Important: Pan over the right corner of row 24 for thorough instructions on filling out each column of this worksheet.

6 Click Save.
7 Link the worksheet in the Work Papers section of your PMO.

Help: To view examples of the tabs described in the procedure table, click each of the three Example links in Tools/Resources below.


Deploy Template
Size Change Example
Org. Profile Example
Stakeholder Analysis Example


The goal!

To assure that all affected personnel have the appropriate knowledge and information for accessing and using the Improved Process.

Why do it?

Without clear communication to those affected by the deployment, the new Process and the entire Improvement activity will likely fail. The communication plan is a roadmap of the required communications including senders, key messages, timing and delivery channels.

What to do:

Now that the new Process has been designed and tested, a Communication Plan needs to be created to validate how the deployment will be handled with the larger audience.


1) Who needs to know about the deployment?

2) Does the amount of emphasis on communication match the magnitude of the change?


Team Leader

Team Members

Team Facilitator

Before you begin

Analysis from the “Analyze Change Variables” procedure is complete

Team Charter is created and agreed upon



Step Action
1 Alt+Tab to the Deploy template.

Result: You move between your browser and the Deploy document.

2 Click the Stakeholder Analysis tab.
3 Highlight and copy the key stakeholders that are listed in column A.
4 Click Communication Plan tab.
5 Under column A, paste the stakeholder list.
6 Complete columns B – H for all stakeholders listed, adding rows when necessary.

Important: Scroll towards the bottom of the worksheet, and mouse over the right corner of the rows under Communication Plan Specific Guidelines for further instructions on how to fill out the remaining columns of the Communication Plan worksheet.

Help: To view a completed example of a Communication Plan, click Communication Plan Example in Tools/Resources below.

Help: For help developing your key messages (column H), click Key Messages Outline in Tools/Resources below.

Deploy Template
Key Messages Outline
Communication Plan Example


The goal!

To develop a training plan that assures each key stakeholder has the appropriate knowledge to use the Process and enabling technology.

Why do it?

Without clear training to those affected by the deployment, the new Process and the entire Improvement activity will likely fail. Training enables employees to perform in the new environment.

What to do:

Now that the new Process has been designed and tested, a Training Plan needs to be created to validate how the deployment will be handled with the larger audience.


1) Have all appropriate target audiences been identified?

2) Is a Training Plan in place for each impacted person?

3) Does the amount of emphasis on training match the magnitude of the change?


Team Leader

Team Members

Team Facilitator

Before you begin

Communication plan in place

Team Charter created and agreed upon


Step Action
1  Alt+Tab to the Deploy template.

Result: You move between your browser and the Deploy document.

2 Click the Communication Plan tab.
3 Highlight and copy the key stakeholders that are listed in column A.
4 Click Training Plan tab.
5 Under column A, paste the stakeholder list.
6 Complete columns B – G for all stakeholders listed, adding rows when necessary.

Important: Scroll towards the bottom of the worksheet, and mouse over the right corner of the rows under Training Plan for further instructions on how to fill out the remaining columns of the Training Plan worksheet.

Help: To view a completed example of a Training Plan, click Training Plan Example in Tools/Resources below.


Deploy Template
Training Plan Example


The goal:

To gain agreement on how the new process will be deployed, from a change management perspective.

Why do it?

To ensure that there is agreement on the deployment plan and that all stakeholders have been considered.

To get agreement on and a commitment to the communication and training plans for the implementation of the new process.

What to do:
Review Deployment Plan with the Project Sponsors and edit as necessary.

1) Is there a commitment to the Communication and Training Plan from the Process Owner?
2) Does Process Owner agree to deploy the new process, based on these plans?


Team members who participated in creating deployment plans

Process Owner and other key sponsors if appropriate

See Implement training module in view…
Implement Presentation
Implement Activity Agenda


The goal:

To educate the team and to provide clear direction for the Implement activity which includes:

What needs to be done

How it needs to be done

The support required

Why do it?

This activity helps to organize the team proactively and prepare them for the coming implementation.

What to do:

Using the “Implement” training module as a basis for educating the Process Improvement Team:

Modify the training Agenda.

Prepare to educate the team on the procedures and tools of the Implement activity.

Using the process scope section of the Team Charter, select a section of process work to demonstrate what needs to be done and how to do it.

Does the team understand how to use the procedures and tools in the Implement activity?

Before you begin

All preceding activities of the Depoy phase must be complete


See Implement training module in view…


Implement Presentation

Implement Activity Agenda


Roles and Responsibilities

General Responsibilities
Leader The Team Leader provides the necessary support and guidance that will enable the team to progress successfully through the process improvement tasks and achieve the desired end results.


  • Provides content direction throughout the improvement effort to keep the team focused, on track, and continuously moving forward to achieve process improvement
  • Sets each session up for success (50% of the session’s success results from up front planning)
  • Creates a safe environment for participation
  • Help develop new design strategy
  • Prepare strawmaps for the new process
  • Facilitate “Should” meetings; update the map; prepare documentation; and help create recommendation presentation
  • Drive development per the design
  • Facilitate deployment design
  • Design and analyze the new process
  • Present the new process to management
  • Develop the new process details
  • Design deployment (communication & training) of the new process
Process Owner
  • Play role of the liaison
  • Brief steering committee on progress, issues and recommendations
  • Approve new process design & deployment
  • Set priorities for enabling technology
Resource Owner
  • Review and approve new process designs
  • Ensure that the deployment plan is feasible & comprehensive enough to implement the proposed changes
  • Raise and resolve issues encountered by process owner and design team
Process Council
  • Review the progress of the development
  • Ensure time & resources are available for deployment