

Every Process, even after a re-design, can be improved continuously. This stage of the Improvement Process is ongoing. A Team needs to be identified to:

1) review the Process on a periodic basis,

2) maintain the documentation associated with the Process, and

3) to review measures of performance for currency on a regular basis.

Scheduling Process reviews and conducting benchmarking will assure that the Process is monitored over time. As more changes are identified, there needs to be an assessment and commitment to the changes, as well as a method to communicate the changes to end users.

Process Flow Diagram

This diagram illustrates how to monitor the change within the organization. Highlighted are the tasks associated with the Monitor activity.



The goal!

To identify the appropriate team members for Monitoring the Process and to create a charter that will provide the Sustaining Process Team with a method for continuous improvement.

Why do it?

Identifying and chartering a team to be responsible for the long-term success and maintenance of the improved Process will assure that changes and updates occur on a regular basis.

What to do:

The Process Improvement Team should suggest the Sustaining Process Team members who will be responsible for monitoring improvements over time.

Develop a Team Charter to give guidance to the Sustaining Process Team.

1) Have all Sustaining Process Team members been identified and notified?
2) Has Sustaining Process Team Kick-off meeting been scheduled?


Team Leader

Team Members

Team Facilitator

Before you begin

Process Improvement Team has completed their work on designing and implementing the improved Process


Step Action
1 Using the generic agenda template, create a Sustaining Process Team Meeting Agenda.
2 Complete all applicable frames to assure the Team will be well prepared to perform this activity.

Remember: The Participants frame needs to contain those names of the identifiedSustaining Process Team members.

3 Distribute the Agenda to participants in advance of the meeting in order to:

  • Communicate information
  • Facilitate full participation
  • Gather appropriate expertise in preparation for attending the meeting
4 Click Sustaining Process Team Charter link in the Tools section below.

Result: A Sustaining Team Charter template opens.

5 Complete the roles, responsibilities and purpose of the Sustaining Process Team.
Generic AgendaTEC Template
Sustaining Process Team Charter


The goal!

To verify and maintain documentation for each Process step.

Why do it?

This ensures:



Dissemination of the detailed information about the workflow

Maintaining trust of the information for performing a Process is critical to the integrity of the Sustaining Process effort. Without an assigned person responsible for maintaining the documentation of the enabling technology, the information will go stale and not be utilized as originally expected.

What to do:

The Sustaining Process Team must assign someone to be the primary person responsible for maintaining the Process documentation and updating the enabling technology.


Is Process Documentation accounted for on the Sustaining Process Team?


Team Leader

Sustaining Team Members

Team Facilitator

Before you begin

Sustaining Process Team Members identified

Sustaining Process Team Charter established


Step Action
1 Press ALT + TAB to the Sustaining Process Team Charter.

Result: You move between your browser and framing document.

2 Scroll to the Process Documentation Owner frame and type the name of an appropriate team member to be the Primary Documentation Owner and at least two other people as back up documentation owners.

Important: Include phone numbers and emails for each of the individuals identified.

Sustaining Process Team Charter


The goal!

To establish the specific measures to be used to determine the cost, quality, and time required to conduct the new Process.

Why do it?

Without a series of measures, an organization does not know the actual cost of doing business. The measures identified will allow the Process to be measured and improved over time.

What to do:

The Sustaining Team needs to identify those Tasks that will be measured for duration, frequency, and quality of deploying the Value Added Tasks.


1) Which Tasks need to be measured?

2) Is there sufficient data available to identify the correct measure for each Task?


Team Leader

Sustaining Team Members

Team Facilitator

Before you begin

Tasks have been identified as Value Added


Step Action
1 ALT + TAB to the Sustaining Process Team Charter.

Result: You move between your browser and framing document.

2 Scroll to the Sustaining Process Measures frame and type the identified Value Added Tasks that will be measured for:

·         Durations

·         Frequency and

·         Quality of outputs

3 If data is missing, use one of the Brainstorming frames in the Sustaining Team Charter to identify where and how data can be captured.


Sustaining Process Team Charter


The goal!

To schedule and assure periodic reviews of the Process occur.

Why do it?

Without the scheduled Review meetings, periodic reviews and updates may not happen. This could allow the Process to become outdated and useless.

What to do:

In order to assure that the Process stays current and useful, periodic Process Reviews should be held. The Reviews should address:

Any changes that have been suggested

New technologies that have been adopted by the organization

Other Process improvements that may have occurred since the Process was changed

Are periodic Process Reviews scheduled?


Team Leader

Sustaining Team Members

Team Facilitator

Before you begin

Process implementation complete


Step Action
1 ALT + TAB to the Sustaining Process Team Charter.

Result: You move between your browser and framing document.

2 Scroll to the Team Meeting Schedule frame.
3 Type when periodic Process Reviews will take place.
4 Type any other Team Meetings that may be required.
Sustaining Process Team Charter


The goal!

To identify similarities and differences across the different locations or divisions.

To document current best practices being used within the organization.

Why do it?
Internal Benchmarking analysis identifies potential best practices that are already working within the larger organization.

What to do:
Benchmarking best practices is the process of seeking and studying the best internal and external practices that produce superior performance.
The benchmarking process allows people to understand where their organization is and where their organization can be, and then provides a view of how to achieve the organization’s To-Be state.

1) What are the similarities across the various locations or divisions?
2) What are the differences across the various locations or divisions?


Team Leader

Sustaining Team Members

Team Facilitator

Before you begin

Current Process has been captured at the locations or divisions to be benchmarked


Step Action
1 ALT + TAB to the Sustaining Process Team Charter.

Result: You move between your browser and framing document.  

2 Scroll to the Check for Similarities frame.
3 Type the similarities from the various ProCarta Plans.

Remember: Press ALT + TAB to move between the documents.

4 Scroll to the Internal Best Practices frame and type the best practices that are identified by the team.
5 Scroll to the Eliminate Differences frame and type the differences between each geographic location and division.
6 Scroll back up to the Team Work Plan frame and type how the team will reconcile the differences.
Sustaining Process Team Charter


The goal!

To identify what needs to change within the Process in order to keep it completely current.

Why do it?

Reviewing and Assessing Process Changes considers potential options for handling variances or impacts and provides viable options for resolving the causes of cost, quality and/or time variances.

What to do:

During the periodic Process Reviews, the Sustaining Process Team needs to assess how the Process should change.
Note: The changes could be minor additions to instructions or attaching new forms or linking new procedures to a Task. On the other hand, the Process Review could be a major overhaul of the Process based on other conditions changing, ie., other Process Improvement events have discovered linkages that had not been visible previously and therefore, the flow of the Process must change.

Additionally, cost, quality and time variances may not have been accounted for in the initial Improvement Process event, thus Process Review is a good time to identify and modify these variances.

What needs to be reviewed or changed in the Process?


Team Leader

Sustaining Team Members

Team Facilitator


Step Action
1 ALT + TAB to the Sustaining Process Team Charter.

Result: You move between your browser and framing document.

2 Scroll to the Deployment Implications and Opportunities frame and type how changes can be resolved to keep deployment on track and achieve the desired results.

Important: Be sure to take into account any implications of opportunities and downstream impacts.

Sustaining Process Team Charter


The goal!

To identify appropriate measurement points in the Process and to avoid sub-optimization of another part of the organization.

Why do it?

Assuring that the right actions are being measured within the Process will allow the Sustaining Process Team to monitor the sucess of the changes to the Process.

What to do:

As the Process Review is completed, it is important to:

Identify what the current measures are for the Process

Determine if the measures should change relative to improving the Process


1) What needs to be measured that is not currently being measured?

2) Are the appropriate Process Improvement measures in place?

3) Are the measures accounted for in the Process?


Team Leader

Sustaining Team Members

Team Facilitator

Before you begin

Sustaining Process Team has formed and been chartered


Step Action
1 ALT + TAB to the Sustaining Team Charter document.

Result: You move between your browser and framing document.

2 Scroll to the Sustaining Process Measures frame and review the agreed upon measures.
3 Scroll to the Commit to Sustaining Measures frame and capture the commitment of the team to the identified measures.


Sustaining Process Team Charter


The goal!

To commit to and communicate the Continuous Improvement Plan.

Why do it?

Without ongoing, consistent, and varied media to communicate the plan, including feedback to ensure understanding, the Continuous Improvement Plan can become confusing and derailed.

What to do:

Now that the Process Review of the Process has been completed, a Communication Plan needs to be created to validate how the deployment will be handled with the larger audience.


1) Who needs to be informed of the Continuous Improvement Plan?

2) Who will be impacted by changes?


Team Leader

Sustaining Team Members

Team Facilitator


Step Action
1 ALT + TAB to the Sustaining Team Charter.

Result: You move between your browser and framing document.  

2 Scroll to the Team Work Plan frame.
3 Determine who will create the Briefing Package and what that package will contain.
4 Type who will create the Briefing Package and what that package will contain.
5 Determine who will identify those personnel directly impacted by deployment at each location or division.
6 Type who will identify those personnel directly impacted by deployment at each location or division.
7 Schedule Briefings at each location or division.
8 Determine who needs what training at each location or division.
9 Type who needs what training at each location or division.
10 Determine who will create the training at each location or division.
11 Type who will create the training at each location or division.
12 Schedule training at each location or division.
Sustaining Team Charter


Roles and Responsibilities

General Responsibilities
Leader The Team Leader provides the necessary support and guidance that will enable the team to progress successfully through the process improvement tasks and achieve the desired end results.


  • Provides content direction throughout the improvement effort to keep the team focused, on track, and continuously moving forward to achieve process improvement
  • Sets each session up for success (50% of the session’s success results from up front planning)
  • Creates a safe environment for participation
Facilitator The Facilitator provides support to the design team and the process owner by preparing documentation, leading review sessions, and coordinating information flow between various groups involved in the implementation process
  • Execute communication plan
  • Execute training plan
  • Monitor process implementation
  • Fine tune the design
Process Owner
  • Ensure information flow & decision between the implementation team & the management teams. (steering & executive)
  • Facilitate change action teams
  • Recognize & celebrate successes
  • Monitor new process measures & prepare for next change
Resource Owner
  • Manage people & their organizations through changes
  • Listen & acknowledge change concerns
  • Nominate change action team members
  • Recognize & celebrate successes
  • Implement new process measures
Process Council
  • Manage people & their organizations through changes
  • Listen & acknowledge change concerns
  • Nominate change action team members
  • Recognize & celebrate successes
  • Implement new process measures