

Defining the Team Charter and Work Plan will enable Team Leaders to focus the Process Improvement Team on how they will work together to achieve the process improvement that has been assigned.

Help: Prior to working with the team on the following tasks, prepare a straw proposal of the Team Charter and Team WorkPlan document. During the team kick-off meeting capture clarifications, agreements and commitment to the Charter and Workplan.

Process Flow Diagram

in this diagram the Team Leader meets with the Team Sponsor(s) to review and adjust the proposed Team Charter and Workplan before kicking off the Process Improvement Team. Team Sponsor(s) contribute project priority, criteria for success and approval to move to the next decision gate.



The goal!

To create a force-field analysis to understand the existing situation and future state possibilities including supporting and resisting forces. This will help determine if resources are needed to pursue the opportunity for reducing cost, improving quality, and reducing cycle time.

Why do it?

This frames the existing situation.

It focuses the group on future state possibilities.

Provides direction for future work in chartering a team with buy-in to work priority.

What to do:

Assemble a small group of people that share knowledge, information, expertise, and perspective with respect to the given problem or situation.

Perform a force-field analysis to analyze the current and future situation and supporting and resisting forces.

1) Is there a clear and concise understanding of what the real problem is?
2) Is the problem big enough to involve a team of resources to improve the situation?
3) Does management believe the improvement is a priority issue to be resolved with corporate direction and project implementation date?
4) Who will be the Team Leader for the project improvement endeavor?


Process Council – those who have identified the improvement opportunity

Before you begin

Prepare the agenda and send it to the project participants. Include process owner and likely resource owners.


Help: Click Force Field Analysis Example in Tools below to view an example of this frame completed.




Click Force Field Analysis Tool in Links below.

Save the FrameTEC document to your drive.

In the top left corner above the table in the cell labeled “Click here and type topic,” type the subject that the team will be discussing.

In the cell labeled “Click here and type today’s situation,” type the current problem, issue, or situation that the team will be discussing.

In the adjacent cell labeled “Click here and type ideal future situation,” type what the team considers to be the perfect, improved situation or issue.

In the right cell labeled “Click here and type supporting force,” type the teams’ shared ideas / issues that will prevent the problem from getting worse.

In the left cell labeled “Click here and type resisting force,” type the teams’ shared ideas / issues that will get in the way of changing or improving the problem.

· If you would like to add more rows beyond the original four that are provided for you in the table, press TAB.


Force Field Analysis Tool

Force Field Analysis Example


The goal!

To create and commit to the Team Charter, which creates the context for achieving the improvement.

Why do it?

Frames all of the team’s work.

Focuses the team’s energy and effort on a shared approach.

Integrates specific checks and balances.

What to do:
As the Process Improvement Team is formed, the parameters of the project as well as the scope and context, all need to be clearly defined.

Are all aspects of the Team Charter complete and concise?


Team Leader

Before you begin

Process Council has selected a Process Owner and Team Leader for the Process Improvement project.

Executive Committe, Process Owner, or Resource Owner has selected a target for Process Improvement.

Team Leader has ensured the improvement project view has been set up in Smart Solutions.




Click Process Improvement Team Charter in Tools below.

Result: A new FrameTEC Process Improvement Team Charter template will open.

From the menu bar, select FrameTEC, Frames, Process Team Charter.

Complete all applicable Team Charter frames.

During the Project Kick-Off meeting, gain agreement and commitment to the project details.


Edit the Team Charter to reflect the teams’ decision.

Help: Click Team Charter Example in Tools below to view a completed example of a Process Improvement Team Charter document.

Help: Click Uploading a File into the Website LIbrary link in Tools below to view screenshots and instructions for uploading your completed Team Charter into the Library.

Help: Click Attaching a File to the Website Interface link in Tools below to view screenshots and instructions for linking a file to the website interface.


Uploading a File into the Website Library

Team Charter Example

Process Improvement Team Charter Template

Attaching a File to the Website Interface


The goal!

To apply organizing principles through a plan for what needs to be accomplished by whom and by when.

Why do it?

The Team Work Plan provides ongoing direction in order for teamwork to:

Stay focused

On track

Ensure ongoing progress

What to do:

Specific deliverables, deadlines, and outcomes must be clearly defined according to time sequence and time duration.


1) What are the specific outcomes required to successfully improve this process?

2) How will they be monitored?


Team Leader

Before you begin

Team Charter completed with total Team agreement and commitment.




Contact Michelle Townsend and request PMO set-up in Smart Solutions Website.

When notified of set-up completion, open Smart Solutions Website and go to the assigned PMO class and view.

On the side navigation, select Work Plan.

Excluding Overview, select an activity from the top navigation.

Result: The list of tasks applicable to complete the selected activity appears on the screen.

For the first task listed (i.e., Gate 1 – Improvement Opportunity Identified), click Edit.

Description of Edit button: Blue letter E surrounded by a square, located to the left each task.

Result: The Edit Activity screen appears.

Scroll to the bottom, and click Activity Tracking.

Result: Another Edit Activity screen appears.

On the second Edit Activity screen, under Schedule, select End Date from the second drop down list.

Click the Date link adjacent to the End Date field.

Result: Schedule Date pop-up box appears.

Select the appropriate end date (year, month, and date) for the tracked task or meeting as documented in the project Team Charter.

Click Save Changes.

Repeat steps 5 – 9 for each task listed under the selected top navigation Activity.

Repeat steps 3 – 10 for Define – Monitor on the top navigation.

Help: Click PMO Set Up Procedure Presentation link in Tools below to view screeshots and instructions.


Process Improvement Team Charter

Smart Solutions Website – PMO
PMO Set Up Procedure Presentation


The goal!
To gain agreement and commitment to the Team Charter and Team Work Plan.

Why do it?

  • This ensures that senior management is supporting the work effort, resources and project timing.
  • This ensures that Process Owners and Resource Owners are in agreement of the project results.
  • This gives the team a green light to proceed with the plan.What to do:
    Review Team Charter and Team Work Plan with the Process Owner and edit as necessary.Decision:
    1) Is there agreement and commitment to Team Charter and Team Work Plan from Executive Committee, Process Owner, and Resource Owners?
    2) Does senior management agree to kick off the Process Improvement Team?


Team Leader

Before you begin

Team Charter and Work Plan are complete with total Team agreement and commitment.

Process Improvement Team Charter

Gate 2 – Document Templat


The goal!

To define the Team’s Next Steps and provide clear direction for:

What needs to be done

How it needs to be done

The support required

Why do it?

This helps plan the next Team Session, ensuring that the team is set up for success from the start.

What to do:

Using the Team Charter as a basis for organizing the Process Improvement Team:

Modify the Agenda for a Kick-off Event.

Review the Process Improvement Team Charter and Team Workplan.


What needs to be on the agenda for this event’s kick-off team meeting?


Team Leader

Project Sponsors

Before you begin

Final approval of Process Improvement Team Charter and Team Work plan.


Step Action
1 Click Kick-Off Meeting Agenda in Tools below.

Result: A new AgendaTEC Kick-Off Meeting Agenda template will open.

2 Customize the Kick-Off Meeting Agenda based on meeting participants and time allowed for the kick-off meeting.
3 Email the Agenda to the Process Improvement Team in advance to ensure good attendance and to allow the team to put together necessary materials for the meeting.
Process Improvement Team Charter
Kick-Off Meeting Agenda


The goal!

Get participants to understand that, based on the approved Team Charter and Work Plan, the next step is the Analyze activity.

Why do it?

This activity helps to organize the team proactively and prepare them for the coming analysis work.

What to do:

Using the Analyze training module as a basis for educating the Process Improvement Team:

Modify the training Agenda.

Prepare to educate the team on the procedures and tools of the Analyze activity.

Using the process scope section of the Team Charter, select a section of process work to demonstrate what needs to be done and how to do it.

1) Does the team understand how to implement the procedures and tools in the Analyze activity?
2) Does the team have an example specific enough to the process scope for them to continue through the analysis activity for the remaining processes?

Thoughts to convey:
“In the next phase, we will analyze the current Processes, Activities, and Tasks of the Improvement effort, leading to:

  • a better understanding of how the identified process is interlinked with other processes
  • a clearer understanding of how the process currently works
  • whether or not the Tasks are value added

anlayzing where there are breakdowns and disconnects.”


Team Leader

Team Members

Before you begin

All Define tasks have been successfully completed



Step Action
1 From the top navigation menu, select Analyze and from the side navigation menu, select Process.
2 Review the process elements shown in the flowchart.

Help: For further Analyze training assistance, see analyze training module via the Training side navigation selection.


Analyze Presentation
Analyze Training Agenda Template

Roles and Responsibilities

General Responsibilities
Leader The Team Leader provides the necessary support and guidance that will enable the team to progress successfully through the process improvement tasks and achieve the desired end results.


  • Provides content direction throughout the improvement effort to keep the team focused, on track, and continuously moving forward to achieve process improvement
  • Sets each session up for success (50% of the session’s success results from up front planning)
  • Creates a safe environment for participation
  • Collect and analyze process data
  • Prepare and present project charter materials
  • Assist with team workplan development
  • Assist with project “kick-off.”
  • Send PMO setup information to System Administration for upload
  • Assists the Team Members in working through each session agenda and improvement efforts to achieve results
Member The Design Team has no active role in this phase.
Process Owner
  • Be the leadership role and be responsible for championing & clarifying the effort, keeping the project a business priority, and paving the way for success with the executive committee
  • “Kick-off” project start-up by sharing project background information and purpose
Resource Owner
  • Provide support for data gathering, relationship mapping, rewards, and assignment of resources activities
  • Approve the project definition & charter
  • Delegate authority to the design team
Process Council
  • Review and monitor progress of the improvement effort
  • Show visible commitment to the effort